
This exhibit was inspired by the 100th anniversary in August 2020 of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, 给了一些——虽然肯定不是全部——美国妇女选举权. 在结婚纪念日前的那个夏天, 珍本图书馆长劳雷尔·戴维斯, Mary Bilder教授, and Associate Law Librarian Helen Lacouture went digging into our special collections to find lawbooks with imprints featuring women printers and booksellers.

Historian Maureen Bell writes that “the existence of the man effectively blots out any record of activity by the woman” regardless of her involvement. 因此, it typically was only after the death or incapacity of a printer or bookseller husband (or other male relative) that women’s names appeared on title pages. 另外, 书的印记通常只使用首字母, 这使得人们很难识别传统的女性名字. 尽管有这些挑战,我们还是被我们的发现所折服!

The exhibit covers around 20 female printers and booksellers and reaches back 500 years. 通过我们收藏的几十本书, we explore this fascinating industry where some women were able to gain a foothold and thrive professionally, 甚至可以追溯到16世纪早期. 你将了解创业寡妇, 印刷家庭中的女性, 法律专利, 文具公司, 伟大的法律印刷师伊丽莎白·纳特, 和更多的.

The exhibit was curated by 月桂戴维斯 and Mary Bilder教授 and will remain on view through Spring 2021. 由于COVID-19的限制, the 珍本书室 is generally open only to members of the law school community and visitors who go through the university’s clearance protocols. 目前的工作时间是周一到周五上午9点.m. - 5:00 p.是的,不过它们可能会有变化. 联系 月桂戴维斯 如有任何疑问. 请欣赏下面的图片,以及 展览目录. 请关注法律图书馆Instagram上的视频, @bclawlibrary.

Daniel R. Coquillette珍本书屋


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