电子游戏软件校内项目为电子游戏软件社区组织体育和活动. All leagues, tournaments, 节目安排的活动是为了好玩, healthy outlet for all participants. 

BC intramurals are open to all students, faculty, 以及电子游戏软件的工作人员(拥有Campus Rec会员), with a few exceptions, these activities are free of charge! 我们试图照顾好所有的事情,包括游戏日程安排, hiring student officials, and providing most equipment. No practices are required; all you have to do is register, follow our policies and procedures, and show up!

我们一直在寻找改进的方法,所以我们很高兴听到来自BC社区的想法和反馈. We can be reached by e-mailing intramur@blairekidsarts.net,拨打617-552-0632,或者直接到我们位于玛格特的篮球区办公室来.

Our Mission

电子游戏软件校内体育项目的目的是提供锻炼, recreation, and fun to our participants in a relaxed, yet structured environment. 校内体育通过促进和加强领导素质来提高学术经验, teamwork, personal accomplishment, mutual respect, integrity, competition and recreation, as well as skill and exercise. Everyone is encouraged to play to the best of their abilities; however, 不惜一切代价取胜的态度是不合适的,强烈反对. 校内体育的真正价值来自于与其他参与者和项目工作人员的娱乐和友情.

Spring 2024 IM Schedule

Team Registration: Session 1 

Start: 01/21/24 @5:00PM

End: 02/29/24 Midnight

Sign up on IMleagues.com! 

We're hiring! Email Dillon Smith to apply! 

您必须签署校园活动学生协议豁免设施访问和注册IMs. It takes up to 24 hours to process after signing.

参加电子游戏软件的校内体育(IM)是一个竞争激烈的过程, 反映了我们社区充满活力和热情的精神. 不幸的是,由于高需求,我们不能保证在每个项目的团队中都有一席之地. 我们强烈鼓励那些有兴趣的玩家主动与其他玩家联系, formulate teams, and be prepared at the time of sign-up, as slots tend to fill up rapidly.