
This camp must comply with the regulations of the MDPH & 获得LBOH的许可


Q. How many sessions can I register my child for?
A. You can register your child for as many as you would like. 

Q. 什么年龄段的人可以参加?
A. 营员必须在第一天报名时年龄介乎7至12岁,才有资格参加. 根据马萨诸塞州公共卫生部儿童娱乐营地最低标准, 对于7岁以下的儿童,管理人员与营员的比例是必须的. 除了, in consideration of the safety of the children enrolled, 夏令营活动的结构是针对7-12岁儿童的.

Q. Do you offer junior councilor positions to current high school students?
A. No. 我们的每个夏令营顾问都必须年满18岁或高中毕业, provide a resume that includes the past 5 years of work experience (such as 照顾孩子, 保姆的经验, 教育专业), three (3) positive letters of reference from individuals of no relation, 以及通过CORI/SORI背景调查.

Q. Does your camp qualify as a flexible spending account (FSA) or dependent care expense?
The cost of the camp may qualify as a tax deductible dependent care expense. 请与您的税务顾问联系. For further questions, contact 会员服务 at 617-552-0797.


通过注册eagle Rec Camp,我允许波士顿大学校园娱乐中心录制我的照片, 相似,/or voice for use in its print 和 internet publications or productions, 包括广告, 标志, 以及宣传材料. I also give 校园娱乐 permission to use my name, 学术等级, 并在任何附带的标题中注明, 如果适用的话. 我同意这些照片和视频是校园娱乐的财产,并在此免除校园娱乐因使用我的图像或声音而可能产生的任何和所有索赔.

If you do not give 电子游戏软件 校园娱乐 permission to record my image, 相似,/or voice for use in its print 和 internet publications or productions, 包括广告, 标志, 以及宣传材料请联系会员服务部.