校内项目旨在提供一个有趣的, positive atmosphere for the 电子游戏软件 community to compete in organized sports. 虽然把赢球作为一个目标是可以的, participants cannot lose sight of the greater mission of fostering camaraderie and recreating with peers. 在任何时候, participants in the 电子游戏软件 Intramural program should act in a manner appropriate for intramural competition. 如果在任何时候一个参与者, 教练还是球迷, 一名校内工作人员的判断, 超出了适当的范围, the individual will be disqualified from the game in progress and shall be required to meet with the Assistant Director of Intramural Programs before being allowed to play in another intramural contest.

任何会员都有资格参加校内比赛.  所有本科生均自动成为会员.  电子游戏正规平台生,教师和工作人员可以购买 会员. The only exceptions to the above eligibility is for students who have played professionally in that sport or its equivalent sport*, for students who have been on a varsity roster in that sport 在 the current school year, or if that student is a member of a club team in that sport or its equivalent sport and the team is already at the club limit for the team roster in that league.

*Equivalent sport refers to any sport that is so close to the intramural sport that the Intramural Office deems the skills for one would necessarily translate to an unfair advantage in intramural play.  例如,棒球运动员被限制参加校内垒球, 足球运动员被禁止参加国旗足球.


  1. Damaging, or in any way abusing 电子游戏软件 property, fields, gyms, rink, equipment, 等.
  2. Consumption/possession of alcoholic beverages, cigarette smoking, or use of any illegal substances
  3. Verbal or physical misconduct directed at any person whether they be a(n) intramural official, 对手, 队友, 粉丝, 管理员, 等. Any question regarding what constitutes misconduct should be directed to the 校内的 Office
  4. 对官员的判罚提出过多异议(一).e. 安全/出局、好球/好球、界内/出局、犯规、罚球等.)
  5. 危险使用设备

Good sportsmanship is vital to maintaining the appropriate recreational atmosphere of intramural sports. All intramural participants and spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a civil and sporting manner at all times - before, 在, 在比赛之后. 助长不宽容或偏见的行为, 贬低任何种族, 少数民族, 性别或宗教团体, 推断出明确的性暗示, demeans on the basis of skill or intellect or promotes destructive behavior is considered disrespectful to the University and its members, 并将得到相应的处理. 这包括校内团队的名称和信息张贴在 IMLeagues 网站.

The Assistant Director of Intramural 体育 has the right to suspend individuals or teams from further participation in the Intramural Program for violations of conduct befitting an intramural participant or team.  Actions which interfere with others’ enjoyment of the league is a specific departmental point of emphasis.  任何不适合校内参与者的行为, 而是电子游戏软件的学生, 也会被转到学生事务处.

Any individual ejected from a contest may be suspended from future contests.  That individual must meet with the Assistant Director of Intramural 体育 to determine the severity of disciplinary action before being allowed to resume play.  Any disciplinary action is at the discretion of the Assistant Director of Intramural 体育.

Any team receiving a sportsmanship rating of 1 will be required to have its team manager and possibly specific offending team members meet with the Assistant Director of Intramural 体育 before the team can be reinstated.  The individual participants will also be subject to the penalties outlined above.  A sportsmanship rating will be determined by the intramural staff working the event after each game for both participating teams. 

Any team that has two (2) participants ejected from a single contest will forfeit that contest (regardless of score) and may be suspended from future contests.

每场比赛结束后, teams will be given a sportsmanship rating by the Intramural 官员 according to the sportsmanship displayed. 球队的平均体育精神评分必须达到“3”.0”才有资格参加季后赛. 如果一个游戏由于任何情况没有完成, the sportsmanship rating earned will stand regardless if the game is official or not.

参赛队伍的体育精神评分必须达到“3”.在每场比赛中以0分或更好的成绩晋级.  如果球队得分低于3分.在任何一场季后赛中,他的体育精神得分都是0, they will be removed and their 对手 will advance given their sportsmanship rating was above a "3.0". 如果两队都没有得到“3”分.0”的评分,两支球队都将被淘汰,下一轮将是再见. 体育精神 rating is also one method used to break ties after the regular season. 

"5" Excellent Conduct and 体育精神 - Captain, players, and 粉丝s all display an excellent attitude. 行为在任何时候都是积极的, 即使对手没有表现出高水平的体育精神.  If necessary the captain calmly converses with the intramural officials regarding rule interpretations and calls.  The team has winning and losing in perspective such that their conduct in all ways provides an example for the league and the program.

"4" Good Conduct and 体育精神 - The team shows good sportsmanship and cooperates with the opposing team, 官员, 和校内主管. 对手受到尊重,没有警告, 张黄牌, 或者是非体育的技术犯规.

"3" Average Conduct and 体育精神 - The team still shows cooperation with officials and 对手s but may have some complaints and grumbling. Good attitude is missing on occasion but there are no blatant displays of bad attitude. 队长控制着这个队.

"2" Below Average Conduct and 体育精神 - Teams constantly comment to the 官员, 校内的主管, 和/或对方球队在场上和/或场边. The team captain exhibits little or no control over 队友s or himself/herself.

"1" Poor Conduct and 体育精神 - Captain has no control over 队友s and/or himself/herself. Team is completely uncooperative and poorly represents themselves and the 电子游戏软件 Intramural Program.