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Sarah Bookbinder

Sarah Bookbinder

Assistant Dean

Sarah joined Boston College Law School in the spring of 2023. 此前,她曾在萨福克大学法学院的专业和职业发展办公室工作了近9年.  As Director of Public Service Advising and Pro Bono Programs at Suffolk, Sarah was responsible for all public interest law advising, public interest employer relations, student programming, and pro bono opportunities.  Sarah also advised students and alumni interested in a broad range of practice areas, taught classes on professional development topics, directed the summer public interest fellowship program, and coordinated the office's diversity and inclusion efforts.  While at Suffolk, 莎拉获得了黑人法律学生协会颁发的专业优秀奖,以表彰她对支持法律学生专业发展的杰出贡献. She also served on the National Advisory Committee for Equal Justice Works, and the Public Service Section of the National Association of Legal Professionals. 

Prior to moving into higher education, 莎拉是马萨诸塞州总检察长办公室公共诚信部门的助理总检察长.  在这个角色中,Sarah调查和起诉公共腐败和欺诈案件,并在萨福克县地区检察官办公室完成了为期六个月的特别助理地区检察官轮换.  Before joining the Attorney General’s Office, 萨拉在华盛顿民权法律律师委员会担任了两年的平等司法工作电子游戏正规平台员, D.C.  She also clerked for the Honorable John T. Nixon in the United States District Court in Nashville, Tennessee.   从大学到法学院,萨拉在纽约市的平民投诉审查委员会工作了两年,调查警察的不当行为.  Sarah is a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School, and has a B.A. from Barnard College.

Doug Saphire

Douglas Saphire

Senior Associate Director, Recruitment & Employers

Before becoming Interim Assistant Dean, Doug served as Director of Recruitment and Employer Outreach, where he was responsible for interfacing with employers, 9年多来,道格一直为法律系学生和校友提供职业发展和求职方面的建议. Prior to joining BC Law, 他曾在波士顿大学法学院职业发展和公共服务办公室以及萨福克大学法学院专业和职业发展办公室工作. As a practicing attorney, Doug’s work as an associate at a mid-sized firm was focused in the areas of health care, corporate and creditors’ rights law. Doug graduated cum laude from Miami University and received his JD, cum laude, from Syracuse University College of Law.

Chris Teague

Christopher M. Teague

Senior Associate Director

克里斯在法律领域担任司法法律书记员已有20多年的工作经验, practicing attorney in both the private and public sectors, and career advisor.  At BC Law, Chris oversees JD advising, co-chairs the Judicial Clerkship Committee, and assists students with their job searches, focusing on judicial clerkships and careers in criminal law.  He has held several leadership roles in NALP, the Massachusetts Legal Recruitment Association, and the Massachusetts Law School Consortium, 他曾多次在NALP年度会议上发表有关刑法职业和面试技巧的主题, social media and technology, and professionalism training.  Earlier in his career, Chris practiced criminal law, both as an Assistant District Attorney in Boston and as a defense attorney.  He is a graduate of Connecticut College and Northeastern University School of Law.



Michelle Grossfield

Public Interest and Pro Bono Program Director

米歇尔带来了十年的职业服务经验,指导我们的公共部门咨询和规划, 领导法学院的公益项目和管理公共服务奖学金项目.  她是BC省法律公共服务委员会的联合主席,负责选择学校的公共服务学者, 为参与公共服务的校友颁发贷款偿还援助计划(LRAP)奖项, and awarding other public service grants, including the school's postgraduate public service fellowships. 她通过广泛的倡议帮助支持在校公益学生,并与学生组织密切合作, 包括公共利益法律基金会(PILF)和参加无偿春假旅行的学生. She also serves as the national Chair of the PSJD Advisory Group, a consortium of law schools and public interest employers. 米歇尔在公共法律顾问服务委员会的儿童和家庭法部门担任审判律师,开始了她的公益事业, advocating on behalf of children and parents in child abuse and neglect proceedings.  她于2006年毕业于迈阿密大学法学院,并在布兰迪斯大学获得学士学位. 

Naomi Bass

Naomi Bass

Associate Director

Naomi is an experienced law school career advisor, 他最近在东北大学法学院的合作与职业发展中心担任助理主任, advising students interested in private sector opportunities with law firms, in-house counsel, and health law careers.  Previously, 娜奥米在麻省总医院(原Partners HealthCare)担任法律顾问九年。, 在那里,她专注于就业和病人护理问题,并指导参加OGC暑期实习计划的法律专业学生.  Naomi began her legal career in Boston as a Litigation Associate at Choate, Hall & Stewart.  Naomi received her B.A., magna cum laude, from the University of Rochester and her J.D., with Honors, from George Washington University Law School. 

Dorothy Commons

Dorothy Brooks Commons

Associate Director

A skilled and experienced career advisor, Dorothy has built a formidable network of practitioners within the legal community. 因此,她定期将学生与律师联系起来,并收到许多招聘启事和线索. Dorothy为学生提供暑期和电子游戏正规平台生求职的各个方面的建议,包括但不限于律师事务所招聘, in-house opportunities, summer government and public interest opportunities, and judicial internships. 她也是第一代专业人士学生团体的行政顾问, the lead advisor for international students, and works closely with LAHANAS, 一个伞形学生组织,支持校园内所有学生亲和团体的工作. Dorothy manages the office’s programming, which often includes over 100 events per year. 她被认证管理迈尔斯布里格斯类型指标(MBTI)和其他职业相关的评估工具. She has presented at a number of National Association for Law Placement conferences. 她持有Northeastern University的高等教育/咨询心理学硕士学位,以及UMass Amherst的教育文学学士学位. Dorothy has also served as an Adjunct Professor at Bentley University.

Amy Kolb

Amy Kolb

Associate Director

Amy brings a wide range of experience to BC Law’s Career Services Office. She started her career as a business associate at Foley Hoag LLP, 曾担任Thermo Electron Corporation(现为Thermo Fisher Scientific)的副总法律顾问。, 曾在萨福克大学法学院担任职业顾问、法律写作和电子游戏正规平台讲师. She also spent nine years as a gallery instructor at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Amy received her B.A., magna cum laude, from Yale University and her J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School.

Jill Huang

Jill Hwang

JD Career Advisor

Prior to joining BC law school as a career advisor, 吉尔在天主教慈善难民和移民服务机构做了13年的移民律师. In that capacity, 她在广泛的家庭和人道主义案件中为低收入客户提供直接代理, as well as representation in immigration court. Jill also held a Federal District Court clerkship from 2006-2008. Jill received her B.A. from Harvard College, and her JD from Harvard Law School.

Soo Lim

Soo Lim

JD Career Advisor

Soo rejoins BC Law Career Services, having worked as an Associate Director of Career Services from 2004-2013. In that capacity, 苏教授为学生们提供暑期求职和电子游戏正规平台生就业方面的咨询. 在职业生涯早期,她曾在Bingham Dana LLP和Lucash, Gesmer担任公司律师 & Updegrove, LLP. Prior to rejoining BC Law, 她创立了自己的大学咨询公司,指导学生完成大学录取过程. Soo is a graduate of Wesleyan University and Northeastern University School of Law.

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Emily Goldberg

Manager, Recruitment & Operations

Emily comes to BC Law with many years of experience in law school recruiting. Previously, Emily has held career services positions at Harvard Law School, Boston University School of Law and Columbia Law School. 最近,她在布兰迪斯大学艺术与科学电子游戏正规平台生院工作. She is a graduate of Skidmore College. 

Kara Stuka

Cara Stuka

Career Services Assistant

卡拉来到BC法律的专业背景主要是在传统的非营利部门. Previously, she held positions at Pine Street Inn and FriendshipWorks. Cara is a graduate of Skidmore College, where she majored in Gender Studies. 

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