
An award-winning teacher, scholar, and documentary film producer, Stanton E. F. Wortham, Ph.D., comes to the 林奇教育与人类发展学院 as its inaugural Charles F. Donovan, S.J., Dean from the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education, where he was the Judy and Howard Berkowitz Professor and associate dean for academic affairs.

A linguistic anthropologist and educational ethnographer with a particular expertise in how identities develop in human interactions, 沃瑟姆进行了跨教育领域的电子游戏正规平台, anthropology, linguistics, psychology, sociology, and philosophy. He is the author or editor of nine books and more than 80 articles and chapters that cover a range of topics including linguistic anthropology, 话语分析, “learning identity” (how social identification and academic learning interconnect), 以及新拉丁裔移民的教育问题. 

He spent 18 years as a professor and administrator at Penn, where he served twice as interim dean of the Graduate School of Education and won multiple awards for teaching excellence, including the University of Pennsylvania Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching.

在过去的十年里, Wortham has studied the experiences of Mexican immigrant students both in and outside of school as they adjusted to lives in communities with largely non-Latino populations. 

As part of that project, he was the executive producer of the award-winning 2014 documentary Adelante, which chronicles how a Mexican-immigrant and Irish-American community are revitalizing a once-struggling parish. 2020年,布鲁姆斯伯里学术出版 Migration Narratives: Diverging Stories in Schools, Churches, and Civic Institutions, a book Wortham coauthored based on research in the small town.

Stanton Wortham




Featured guest on the Series of GEDF Deans' Vision of Shared Education Futures

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