

The 林奇学校 offers three interdisciplinary majors, based in two or more arts & sciences disciplines that are relevant to students in the 小学教育, Applied Psychology and Human Development (APHD), and 变革教育电子游戏正规平台 (TES) majors. The interdisciplinary majors are not available to students in 中等教育.




The 美国的遗产 interdisciplinary major (9 courses/27 credits) is designed for students in the 林奇学校 of Education who are interested in the American heritage from the literary, social, 从历史角度看.


The 数学/计算机科学 interdisciplinary major (10 courses/30 credits) is recommended for students who may have had four years of high school mathematics and wish to specialize in the area of mathematics and computer science, but who are not interested in the traditional mathematics major.


The 西班牙裔美洲透视 interdisciplinary major (9 courses) is recommended for students who may have had at least two years of high school Spanish and wish to develop Spanish language skills, coupled with a background in the historical, 社会学, and literary traditions of Spanish American cultures.
