

Students interested in pursuing course work at the graduate level, 但对攻读学位课程不感兴趣, 可以申请非学位电子游戏软件. Many individuals choose to be non-degree in order to explore the seriousness of their interest in studying for an advanced degree and/or to strengthen their credentials for a future degree 应用程序. Others are interested in taking graduate course work for personal enrichment or professional development.


非学位学生的电子游戏软件申请正在进行中. 的 应用程序 will close approximately one week prior to the start of classes in order to provide enough time to complete the enrollment process. We do encourage you to submit your 应用程序 as soon as possible before the start of the semester. As a non-degree applicant you are not required to pay the $75 应用程序 fee. 然而, applicants will need to submit an official transcript from their undergraduate institution.


Congratulations on being admitted as a certificate or non-degree student! 的 next step to enrollment is to complete the enrollment response form located in your offer of admission. Once enrolled, you are eligible to take courses within the 林奇学校. We are happy to guide you through the course registration process and help you select courses that will meet your needs and goals.. 为了查看可用的课程,您需要访问 集市门户,这是不列颠哥伦比亚省访问所有电子资源的中心. Information on how to access the 集市门户 and how to search for courses is included below.

的re is no limit on the number of individual courses that can be taken while classified as a non-degree student. 然而, it is important to know that a maximum of 4 courses (12 credits) can be applied to a graduate degree, 如果你选择在未来的某个时候申请. 因此, 记住这一点很重要, 如果你想攻读电子游戏正规平台生学位, you will need to apply and be accepted to the program before enrolling in your fifth course.
